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S tem prenosnim mešalnikom lahko enostavno pripravite sadni smoothies, pijače za zajtrk, milkshake, beljakovinske in športne prehranske pijače ter ledene pijače, medtem ko se uživljajo iz motenj hrupa.
Nadgrajena močna motorja in štiri mešalke na steni ustvarjajo tornado učinek, ki poganja sestavine temeljito mešati. Sekala z ostrimi rezili iz nerjavečega jekla.
Štiri obroče silikonske blazine in zasnova za zmanjšanje hrupa v notranjem obtoku ohranja celoten proces mešanja pod 70 decibeli.
Samodejno ponastavitev zagotavlja dvojno varnostno jamstvo. Samo odstranljive rezile in steklenico sperite v vodi iz pipe in ste pripravljeni za odhod.
Oblikovali so nagrade nemških IF design in zmagovalni ekipi Red Dot Design Award, prihaja z 8 fancy barv v italijanski klasični retro slog.
1: Ali lahko mešalnik pripravi tudi gostejše mešanice, kot so pomake ali humus?
Ne. Ne. Ta mešalnik ne more mešati fižol in meso, kot so kavna zrna, omake ali humus.
2: Ali mešalnik lahko zmeša led?
Da, vendar le majhen led in za mešanje morate dodati nekaj vode. Ni mogoče neposredno zdrobiti ledu.
3: Ali lahko dodam vročo vodo za mešanje?
št. Vsaka tekočina mora biti pod 19 °C.
4: Koliko sestavin lahko zmešam naenkrat?
Sestavine znotraj skodelice ne smejo presegati največje oznake 400 ml.
It is awsome! I love it! Easy to use, anywere, anytime. Excelent purchase.
This water bottle is portable, and I take it everywhere I go. The product has a very high-quality, stylish, and high-end appearance, so I don't mind carrying it to and from work, on trips, or to the soccer field. I This works extremely well and adds a significant amount of carbonation. It is inefficient to use an entire CO2 tank for a single drink.
I like its portable
Easy to use.
Für unterwegs oder auf Arbeit echt super
I drink a lot of La Croix, but don't have a lot of storage space in my tiny apartment. To cut down on the amount of space it took up in storage and the fridge, I decided to give this a try. It works well so far! I always have cold water handy, so fill it up, twist the top, and pour. Each Co2 canister/450ml fill makes about two glasses, with ice. It's also really handy to have around for the occasional cocktail that calls for soda water (I got some tonic concentrate as well for summer G&Ts, we'll see how that goes).
To duplicate the subtle citrussy La Croix flavor, I got some good orange and lemon extracts and add a few drops to my glass before drinking. Perfect!
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